Current Gallery: mendocino ( piece)
my galleries Fenceline and Past both relate to the Mendocino Coast ... I have known this coast since the mid 1940's and consider it my roots... these are a few of the more recent drawings of this once remote area
"view from dome"  by hitchcock
from $ 58
Gualala's last window
from $ 58
Sea Crags 80 years later
from $ 58
found drawing
from $ 58
my hood for 73 years     and counting
from $ 58
Gualala Ca. 12/21/11- temp 55 degrees-39 latitude
from $ 58
Point Arena Cove's Christmas tree
from $ 58
Gualala side
from $ 58
Garcia River
from $ 58
from $ 58
Beth's Sea Ranch
from $ 58
Point Arena hiway one
from $ 58
Mendo triptych
from $ 58
Mendo triptych
from $ 58
Mendocino trypic
from $ 58
Richard's staircase
from $ 58
crab nets   Arena Cove
from $ 58
from $ 58
view from dome
from $ 58
looking back at Mendocino
from $ 58
view from dome
from $ 58
backyard pines... Mendocino
from $ 58
Point Arena Cove taxis
from $ 58
first light ...Mendocino
from $ 58
view all the way to Saunder's Reef
from $ 58
the cave under Sea Crags
from $ 58
etching in sandstone
from $ 58
bull kelp
from $ 58
Grandpa's beach... Sonoma
from $ 58
Grandpa's beach ...Sonoma
from $ 58
Showing 1 - 30 of 48 results for @hitchcock's Stunning Artwork For Sale on Canvas Prints

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