Current Gallery: amsterdam ( piece)
i've spent most of my life in or around amsterdam. i was born in amstelveen -a town just south of amsterdam- and grew up in amsterdam' suburb buitenveldert. when i enrolled in university i moved to the centre, to the area called 'jordaan'. i've lived there for around 20 years, until i moved to ljouwert, capital of the province of fryslân, end of july 2008. regretfully i only got into photography from july 2006. so i've less photographs of amsterdam to show than i might have liked.
i've spent most of my life in or around amsterdam. i was born in amstelveen -a town just south of amsterdam- and grew up in amsterdam' suburb buitenveldert. when i enrolled in university i moved to the centre, to the area called 'jordaan'. i've lived there for around 20 years, until i moved to ljouwert, capital of the province of fryslân, end of july 2008. regretfully i only got into photography from july 2006. so i've less photographs of amsterdam to show than i might have liked.