Current Gallery: portfolio ( piece)
René is a artist of many talent in fine art, painting, digital, sculpture and Jewelery fine silver. You can find her work at: Exhibitins/Awards etc. Judged: Tornhuset -88 Judged: Norrbottens museum - 88 Judged: Norrbottens museum - 04 Länstyrelsen Luleå nov.-04 Gallery Y -04 Pall utställning Galleri Y 24/2-20/3 -05 Design Judged: Norrbottens museum - 05 Fritidsförvaltningen Luleå may -05 Represented 11 year in a road Skatamarksloppet Skogså Boden (Painting, sculpture) Awards Judged: Riksförbundet Swedish independed photograf RIFO Lilla silver -90 (Photo) Digital CG Ballistic Publishing (The world leading publisher of digital art books) Judged: Exotique (Digital art) Judged: Painter (Digital art / Illustration)
René is a artist of many talent in fine art, painting, digital, sculpture and Jewelery fine silver. You can find her work at: Exhibitins/Awards etc. Judged: Tornhuset -88 Judged: Norrbottens museum - 88 Judged: Norrbottens museum - 04 Länstyrelsen Luleå nov.-04 Gallery Y -04 Pall utställning Galleri Y 24/2-20/3 -05 Design Judged: Norrbottens museum - 05 Fritidsförvaltningen Luleå may -05 Represented 11 year in a road Skatamarksloppet Skogså Boden (Painting, sculpture) Awards Judged: Riksförbundet Swedish independed photograf RIFO Lilla silver -90 (Photo) Digital CG Ballistic Publishing (The world leading publisher of digital art books) Judged: Exotique (Digital art) Judged: Painter (Digital art / Illustration)