Current Gallery: heartdna ( piece)
By focussing on specific frequencies we influence the energetic environment of our DNA thus transforming and connecting our dormant DNA - our biological software for interdimensional awareness and upgraded consciousness! By connecting through meditation with a Unified Heart Field I expand my awareness into a place where I see these paintings. For most of the time, this reality remains hidden because the lower ego aspect of our mind closes a lid on this connection. The access point is moving our consciousness beyond time by connecting with an expanded heart consciousness. These paintings are about this Heart Connection and where this leads us all... Changing our consciousness and DNA! More info: See the new Book "Awakening to a Dream of Tomorrow" And website:
By focussing on specific frequencies we influence the energetic environment of our DNA thus transforming and connecting our dormant DNA - our biological software for interdimensional awareness and upgraded consciousness! By connecting through meditation with a Unified Heart Field I expand my awareness into a place where I see these paintings. For most of the time, this reality remains hidden because the lower ego aspect of our mind closes a lid on this connection. The access point is moving our consciousness beyond time by connecting with an expanded heart consciousness. These paintings are about this Heart Connection and where this leads us all... Changing our consciousness and DNA! More info: See the new Book "Awakening to a Dream of Tomorrow" And website: